That’s what we managed to do a couple of days ago in r/electronic_cigarette, and it was really cool! We got a lot of quality feedback on our sign and how we should/should not promote our products. Some of the feedback was curious, asking “Why don’t you sell weed paraphernalia? You’re just alienating customers by not broadening your market.” We felt compelled to offer a response.
We operate our shop in a town that has, since 1999, employed vague ordinances and threat of legal action to prevent the sale of paraphernalia. If we attempted to sell items related to the consumption of marijuana or other illegal drugs we could get shut down, fined, or whatever else happens when a business goes up against the city. Whatever it is, we’re not interested in finding out.
Also, it’s not a part of the business we’re interested in involving ourselves in. We’re interested in offering alternatives to tobacco users and developing a community support system grounded in helping folks quit tobacco. Establishing any directives other than this would muddy the way people view our motive. Honestly, like anyone in business, we’re in business to make money. We’re not in business to only make money though, and that’s why it’s important for us to keep our focus on vaping as a tobacco alternative or recreation for recreation sake, not the use of recreational drugs.
We’re not saying that we approve or disapprove of other shops offering different types of products. It’s their choice to sell what they can legally sell. It just doesn’t fit us.
The reason we put the sign together is because people continue to come to our shop, receive personal attention from our staff, and end up leaving dissatisfied when they realize that we don’t offer marijuana-related products. We’re hoping that this sign helps to educate our customers about what we don’t offer, and saves us some time in fumbling around the subject.
We’re cool with you if you smoke weed, we just don’t have anything for you. Sorry!