Monday, June 30, 2014

Why Vape? Volume #1.

“Why should I vape?” It’s a legitimate question to ask yourself about the habit before you pick it up. It’s probably not a question you asked yourself before that first drag, but by then it was too late. But now, and we’ve proven it ex-smoker after ex-smoker, it’s not too late.

Reason #1: Life.

Everything we discuss in this blog post, and the following posts months down the road, will get more specific about certain facets of life that vaping will help improve. This post, though, is all about living longer.

Fact from
1 in 3 smokers who begin smoking in their youth will die from cigarette related health issues.

Why vape?
Decades into this habit you’re not going to change, and we’re not asking you to. We’re not asking you to give up your habit of inhaling and exhaling, moving your hand to your mouth, or even consuming nicotine. It’s just not plausible for the majority of us.

What we’re asking you to do is vape, and quit consuming all but one of the hundreds of chemicals produced when you smoke cigarettes. It’s an easy equation to put into play. Fewer chemicals = more years.

Fact from
Over 200,000 smokers were estimated to have been diagnosed with lung cancer attributed to tobacco consumption.

Why vape?
The main chemical used to produce e-liquids, propylene glycol, has been extensively studied by the EPA and FDA. The reason for these studies were the mass induction of fog machines by stage performances in the late 20th century, and the concerned individuals who wanted to make sure they weren’t getting a side of poison with their live tunes.

What it boils down to is you not inhaling smoke, but vapor. Your lungs will thank you for not putting cancer into them.

Fact from
By 2020, if current trends of tobacco use stay the same, an estimated 7 million people will die worldwide, per year.

Why vape?
So we can stop this trend cold in its tracks. We don’t have to continue a trend of addicts headed for early graves. We can spend more time with our children and grandchildren, ensuring that they don’t make the same mistakes we did when we were young, and breaking the chain.

- The Vape Shop

Friday, June 27, 2014

Banning nicotine won’t keep kids safe. Good parenting will.

It’s been a more common issue these days than not, that we recues parents of responsibility for what their children encounter in this world, and blame the entities that provide certain products or services for the lack of parental oversight. Kid crashes a bike without a helmet? Blame the bicycle company. Child is unhealthy because of their diet? It must be the fault of the fast food restaurant. Boys and girls failing finishing their homework and falling behind in school? It must be the instructors fault.

Our industry, being a newer industry, has been open to much greater scrutiny for the issues faced by consumer of nicotine juice. And to an extent, rightfully so. Wouldn’t you be worried if poison cases in your industry increased by 219% year-over-year? Of course! And we are too. That’s why we’re writing.

First, let’s clear something up about nicotine poisoning. It’s not going to kill you. It’s not going to kill you kids. It’s not going to kill anyone. It may make a human sick, woozy, and incredibly uncomfortable, but they’re going to live. Yes, even the little ones.

Second, an increase of 219% is an increase to only a couple of hundred cases a year. It’s not a pandemic, regardless what certain legislators and media outlets would like you to believe. Your kids are thousands of times more likely to get the flu than they are to be poisoned by your e-juice, and some of the symptoms are pretty similar.

Third, now that we have a general idea of the sickness associated with nicotine poisoning, let’s debunk the big misconception: How it’s happening. Nicotine poisoning is not something that is going to occur via vaping. The amount of nicotine vapor a person will have to ingest to become poisoned by the vapor is astounding. Keep in mind, many of the people who’ve switched to vaping smoked packs of cigarettes a day.

So then how’re people, kids included, getting poisoned? They’re ingesting straight e-juice out of the bottle. That’s how. Kids are getting a hold of bottles that are not properly secured, and as we know, not every grown up person makes grown up decisions.

Well, Mr. Vape Shop, what’s the solution to the minuet increase in nicotine poisonings then, if you’re so clever?

Good question!

The solution to the increase in nicotine poisonings is to store your juices in the same places you should be storing your medicines, out of the reach of children! And maybe hidden from otherwise less thoughtful adults.

But that’s not it. We understand that without regulation, some juice makers make subpar bottles that can be accessed by younger people that shouldn’t be allowed access. They’re what we call “Chinese Juices”, because they’re made in China. If you want a secondary security measure to keep your kids safe, aside from putting your nicotine juice in a place out of the reach of children, buy juices made here in the United States. You’re going to get a quality juice, and another safety mechanism to keep your kids safe!

Think it through, and act accordingly. At the end of the day, you need to be responsible for your actions and decisions.


The Vape Shop